Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Get Ready for Jef Czekaj!

This is Jef Czekaj. (Pronounced check-eye, fyi.)
He's kind of a big deal in the world of children's books.
And he's coming to The Newbury Town Library, Friday, June 21st
to help us kick off Summer Reading 2013!

We'll have ice cream before dinner. Music too!
Basically, one big party to bring in summer, and reading, 
and all things awesome here in Newbury!

Plan on joining us around 2:30 PM. Jef goes on at 3 PM. 
Summer Reading Registration opens officially that afternoon!
Read for a committed 20 hours and receive a Topsfield Fair 
Read-to-Win Package,which includes one entry, 
a free hot dog and soda, and ride tickets.
The first twenty-five kids at our party also get a 
Grow 'Ems Mini Garden, courtesy of the Topsfield Fair.
Those who read over 20 hours will also be entered into a raffle
for one of four $25 Gift Certificates to 
Jabberwocky Bookstore in Newburyport,
because we love to support our local, independent booksellers!

This event is for all ages! Bring the whole family down!
Spoil Your Supper 
Summer Reading 2013!