
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Nile the Whale

Hey, remember that day we had a forty-three foot whale in the library?

We were so fortunate to host a wonderful whale program here at the Newbury Town Library this month, courtesy of The Whale Mobile and educator and whale advocate, Cynde McInnis. Cynde taught us all about whales, their habitats, behaviors and sounds. Then we watched as Cynde inflated Nile, made to resemble its humpback namesake that is often spotted off the coast of Cape Ann, right before our eyes (a crowd of over 100 folks and kiddos!).

We moved from station to station learning about whales all morning long. From discussing how to keep the ocean clean, to examining actual whale bones and baleen, to climbing inside of Nile to really check him out! It was an amazing learning experience for everyone!